Location: Fitchburg, MA
Industry: Education
Solution: Rooftop Solar
965.07 kW
solar capacity

Located in northern Worcester County, Massachusetts, the Fitchburg Public School district is committed to delivering an engaging and enriching learning experience that prepares students to achieve high academic standards besides intellectual rigor, creative curiosity, and social skills.
The district faced several key challenges, including budgetary constraints that limited its ability to maximize savings. Additionally, securing funds for critical capital improvement projects— such as roof replacement and energy efficiency upgrades—posed a significant challenge. Additionally, the district needed to comply with emission-reduction targets that aligned with its broader environmental goals.
The Solution
As a member of PowerOptions (PO), the largest energy-buying consortium in the region, Fitchburg Public Schools leveraged a unique opportunity to address these challenges. Through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Solect Energy, the district adopted a comprehensive, low-risk solution. Solect manages all aspects of the solar project, including development, construction, financing, and ongoing maintenance, allowing the district to focus on its educational mission while benefiting from significant savings and environmental values.
The solar system is projected to save the school district an estimated $760,000 over the 20-year contract term. Beyond the impressive financial benefits, the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) delivers considerable environmental advantages. The rooftop solar installation at Longsjo School is expected to offset 556,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each year—equivalent to taking 60 gasoline-powered cars off the road for a whole year.
Explore this video to learn more about Fitchburg School district’s solar success.