Location: South Hamilton, MA
Industry: Education; Private K-12 schools
Solution: Rooftop Solar

227 kW

solar capacity


savings & revenue

Pingree School was founded in 1960 and sits on 100 acres of land with a population of 335 students. With the school’s dedication to educational excellence and the environment, Pingree was eager to add solar to the Johnson Rink facility to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability.


The Johnson Ice Rink is a prominent name offering robust athletic programs, but the huge amount of electricity consumed by its high-end and cutting-edge equipment concerned the authority.
In fact, the unmanageably mounting energy expenses, among other factors, led the authority to consider shutting down the rink in the summer of 2011.


Besides our commitment to communities and the environment, we at Solect are happy to help organizations solve critical issues stemming from energy usage and expenses. Solect installed a 227 kW rooftop solar project for the school, helped mitigate their energy costs, and helped them tide over the critical phase where the rink was on the brink of a shutdown. The school signed a PPA with Solect, which gave them access to clean energy at a reduced and stabilized rate for a specified period without warranting any investments.


A 50% reduction in electricity costs

The 770-panel solar project produces over 232,000 kWh of electricity annually — nearly half of the ice rink’s electricity demand. The project supplies clean energy to the rink and helps the school foster sustainable practices.